Struggling to mentally and emotionally support your kid?

It's okay; most parents are.

How We Can Help

In four bite-sized virtual modules, Project Arrow will teach your student the best life coaching skills and techniques to turn their obstacles into opportunities for personal growth and development. 

Get A Sneak Peak

We partnered with life coaches, educators, and film directors to create an engaging web series for students to help them overcome challenges.

Check It Out!

If you care about your kid's success and overall well-being, you are in the right place.

Project Arrow is not a fix-all or magical solution to guaranteeing your kid's good grades or behavior; however, we promise that you will see substantial positive change if you work with your kid to implement the life-changing information we teach. 

Kids' attention spans are shorter than ever. So we've taken our combined 20-plus years of life coaching experience working with over 700 families and teens and partnered with a fantastic creative studio to produce a condensed, unique, and fun virtual mini-series for students. 

In this cutting-edge and engaging crash course, we will walk your kid through four short lessons explaining what life coaching is, how self-coaching can benefit all aspects of their lives, and guide them through topics of their choosing using our provided digital workbook designed to be a resource for them forever. 

If you're ready to see positive change in your kid and give them the tools needed to be successful. Let's get started!

What to Expect

Unlock Potential

Life Coaching unlocks student's potential for greatness by shifting their perspectives and changing negative behavior.

Improved Grades

Through our work with over 700 students we have seen that Life Coaching is proven to increase academic performance and improve student's attitudes towards learning.


Many students are unclear about their goals or direction in life. Life coaching helps students gain clarity and change their behaviors to reflect the goals they want to achieve.

What Parents & Students Are Saying

“After completing the course, I was able to see my behaviors in a different light. Project Arrow taught me the skills to help me deal with things that are out of my control."

Candace, 10th grade

"I definitely saw a change in my son's behaviors for the better. He's more focused and aware of his actions."

Christine, Parent

"Students need support now more than ever. We are thrilled and fortunate to partner with Project Arrow to help our students with their social and emotional needs."

Dr. Alisa McLean, Superintendent

About Us

Project Arrow is a proven, evidence-based co-curricular life coaching and leadership program for middle and high school students.

We have coached over 700 students and are among the first state-supported organizations to teach life coaching to students in the United States.

We've taken our combined 20 plus years of life coaching experience working with families and teens and partnered with a fantastic creative studio to produce a unique web mini-series for students.


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

Life Coaching is all about you! It is a completely self-paced online course - the student decides when to start and when to finish.

How long can I access the course?

Forever! After enrolling, your student will have unlimited access to this course - across any and all devices.

Is this a one time purchase?

Yes! For the one time fee of $99 your student will be able to access all of the best life coaching information.

Is this course just for students?

While we designed and tailored the course specifically for kids, we encourage parents to go through the modules to better support and engage with their kids as they begin to apply self-coaching to their lives.

What if I have questions or want to talk with a life coach?

Great, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us via email at [email protected].

What if I am unhappy with the course?

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact us at [email protected] in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund!

Let's Get Started!